Badger – Meles meles



Characteristics of the badger population in the Exclusion Zone

Scientists discovered badger settlements in the Yakovets, Staroshepelichi, and Korogod forests of the Chernobyl zone. Badger trails were also found in the Lubyan forest. In the Lelyov forest, badgers were spotted by means of an automatic photo camera (pictures of badgers are below).
Belarus researchers studying the badger population in the Polesye State Radiation and Ecological Preserve indicate that the density of this species is 0.6 animals per 1,000 hectares.
According to the scientists, the badger population in the ChNPP’s Exclusion Zone may total up to 300 animals.

badger chernobyl exclusion zone

photo - badger in Chernobyl exclusion zone

Authomatic photo shooting of badger in Exclusion Zone

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